Edited by Kevin Fisher and Holly Randell-Moon
1. Editorial Introduction — Kevin Fisher and Holly Randell-Moon
2. Animating Ephemeral Surfaces: Transparency, Translucency and Disney’s World of Color — Kirsten Moana Thompson
3. Vertical Framing: Authenticity and New Aesthetic Practice in Online Videos — Miriam Ross
4. Attached To My Devices: Across Individual, Collective and Panspectric Worlds — John Farnsworth
5. The Ecstatic Gestalt in Werner Herzog’s Cave of Forgotten Dreams — Kevin Fisher
6. Intermediality and Interventions: Applying Intermediality Frameworks to Reality Television and Microblogs — Rosemary Overell
7. ‘God Hates Fangs’: Gay Rights As Transmedia Story in True Blood — Holly Randell-Moon
8. We are the Borg (in a good way): Mapping The Development Of New Kinds Of Being And Knowing Through Inter- and Trans-Mediality — Anne Cranny Francis